The Whale Tail and Tale.


Port Fairy's East Beach is regally visited by Southern Right Whales during the cold winter months. I had been into water photography for some time with my equipment being a Canon EOS 3 with a 70-200 zoom lens all held in an Aqua Tech Water Housing

Looking at the East Beach I noticed  a large whale cruising around the bay. Could I get a photo of it with the camera in the water housing? I was going to soon find out!

The old surf club Malibu was a beauty. I was glad to have it as I can still remember when the Port Fairy Surf Club first got it. I was a young lad then and was always looking for any excuse to get into the ocean.

There was now a large plastic container strapped to the front of the board. It held my camera and water housing so my arms where then free to paddle. As I padded out to the general area I saw the whale, little did I know how close I would actually get to it!

I paddled to where I first saw the whale and from a distance started taking photos with my lens on full zoom when it surfaced. Next minute the it has swam underwater over to me for a closer look. I suddenly felt very alone and imagined it picking me up and launching me with its tail to shore. 

Next minute it surfaces right next to me. Now I am a bit scared! It swims straight under me a couple of times. I take a few photos but it was difficult to achieve focus with it now being so close. Only need one good pic I determinedly thought.

It was now way to close for the 70-200 lens but managed to get focus when it surfaced again. Took a few pics and was wrapped to find when I got the film developing (Yes film!) that at least one photo was sharp and in focus.

The whale did not harm me and it turned out to be an experience I will never forget.

You are rightly so, not meant to get so close to these amazing creatures but someone should have told my friend the whale that!

Note- If you would like to see a large print of the whale tail there is one on display at Port Fairy’s eatery Bank Street and Co.


Porto Escondido, The Mexican Pipeline.


Bells Beach Pro 1981.